Sunday, August 28, 2016

Letters From Students, Part 2

Thanks Kate for the second letter to students! They were especially interested to learn about the Kiwi bird. I didn't include the travel brochures that were also sent- I'll use those for a lesson next term instead, since we were coming to the end of the second term. Much appreciated! Here is a picture of the student who responded and a transcript of his letter: 

"Hi teacher :)
My name is Jayden Garae. I am from Vanuatu. It's nice to meet you.

Miss Elizabeth is teaching us in English,  and I like her because she is kind to us and helps us in our work.

I live in Ambae. Our capital city of Vanuatu is Port Vila. I am a student. I'm in year 6 and my favorite subject that I love most is English and maths.

I like to play soccer and volleyball. 

My favorite sport is soccer. But I also like to watch movies and listen to music.

I have two younger brothers and one younger sister. And we all live with our parents on Ambae. 

Yours fairhfully, 
Jayden Garae"

A Trip to Santo

During the current school break, a friend and I took a trip to Santo, a nearby island, to visit some friends, do touristy things, and go shopping. Luganville, the second largest town in Vanuatu with about 16,000 people, is in Santo and where we stayed. It's a smaller and more laid-back version of Port Vila. From East Ambae it is a quick 25 minute plane ride, but the $145 plane ticket will prevent me from coming often!

Luganville, being a town, has many tourists seeking out attractions and foreigners working for aid organizations. I was in Luganville for only a week, but during that time I met people from New Zealand and Japan working for aid organizations and two Australian cruise ships docked. It was interesting to see so many foreigners walking around and to have ni-Vans assume that I am a tourist, since on Ambae people either know who I am or they assume that I am in Peace Corps and speak Bislama.

 Luganville has many stores so I went overboard on shopping,  stocking up on things that are either unavailable or more expensive on Ambae, such as lentils, spices, and school supplies. It's hard to balance buying all the things I want with the 10 kg baggage limit of the small planes! Also, with the lack of availability of many items on Ambae, when going to places such as Port Vila or Luganville there are requests from people in the village to bring things back (requests have ranged from chocolate to printer ink to a dog collar).

My friend and I were fortunate to stay the week with a Peace Corps couple who work at a large school in Luganville. Their house is similar to a small American house so it was nice to spend the week cooking meals such as pizza and pasta in a real kitchen with a fridge, to sleep without a mosquito net, and to use the internet. It is interesting to compare our sites, and to reaffirm that no two sites are the same! I'm reminded that each site has their own challenges- while the access to stores and modern amenities is enviable, they don't have a village community which has been a highlight of my time here.

It's amazing how within such a small country, each island is so different. While Ambae is very dry, Santo is filled with rivers. There are many blue holes- fresh water that is such a bright shade of blue and gets quite deep in the middle. We went to Riri blue hole, a beautiful place to picnic and swim and dive and jump off a rope swing. 

Another day we went to Palekula Point, a long land area with white sand and a very old ship. We spent the day snorkeling and picnicking. Whenever I swim in the crystal clear water here in Vanuatu, I wonder how I am ever going to swim in Lake Erie again!

A third day we went to Aore, a small offshore island with a resort. We spent the day eating western food, relaxing at the beach, and snorkeling with lots of fish. The rest of the time we helped out with a big sports tournament occuring at the school, wandered around town shopping, and ate delicious food. A perfect week during the school holiday! 

Monday, August 22, 2016

Letters From Students, Part 1

A few months ago I asked if friends and family would send letters to my students. Thanks to those that did! If you haven't but still want to, more letters is better! I'll be posting students with their responses. Here is the first one. Thank you Katie for the card! Transcript of letter:

"Hello! My name is Rowayn and I am from Ambae Island in Vanuatu. I am a student in class 6. At my house I have a fish pond. And I also have a cat named Tommy. I live with my parents and my older sister. During school break I am going to Port Vila and I can't wait. In my free time I like to play soccer and I like to go swimming in the sea. I enjoy playing with my friends. Thanks for sending a card to me.