Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Starting a blog, a trip to Lebanon, and Europe

Sooo I guess I will try this whole blog thing. I'm not sure how good I'll be at keeping it up, but I'll start it now while I have the time and can figure out how to use it and then hopefully update it while I am in Vanuatu! (the whole reason I'm starting it).

I still have some time before I leave (30 days!), so I thought I'd do some posts about the past 5 years and some countries I've traveled or lived in. I'll start with Lebanon. I went to Lebanon when I was 7 and then again in the summer of 2010 with my dad. The second trip was the catalyst for making me want to see more of the world!

While in Lebanon, I spent the time meeting and hanging out with family,

seeing lots of cool places,

and eating the best food in the world (I'm not biased at all!).

From mountains to sea, historical places to modern, Lebanon packs so much into a tiny area. It's an amazing country!

After I returned to Buffalo from Lebanon, I wanted to go somewhere else so I applied to a study abroad program at the University of Kent in Canterbury, England. I lived on the campus there from January to June 2011. Canterbury is by far the cutest place I have ever lived! In England I was lucky to take trips to London, Dover, Oxford, Bath, and some other places. I became obsessed with scones, pasties, and cider.
 I took classes there although I wasn't very good about studying and trip planning usually took priority. I made some great friends and together we did a lot of travel throughout Europe. Some places we went were:

So those were definitely the best 5.5 months of my college career. I'm glad that I got to do the eurotrip thing, and as with every where else I hope that I can make it back there some day- so much more to see!

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