Monday, October 24, 2016

Life is Different Here

A list of some things that are normal here that are maybe not normal at home:

-Using only rainwater for all water needs- drinking, washing, cooking, etc
-Having no light pollution and being able to clearly see the night sky
-Charging everything by solar power
-Wearing skirts and flip flops everyday
- Having to go outside to use the toilet and bathe
-Eating all local and organic produce
-Walking over 2 hours (each way) through the bush to see a friend
-Stocking up on dried foods, coffee, spices, and hot sauce while in one of the two towns since they're not available on Ambae
-Taking small planes to leave the island
-Never looking at a mirror bigger than my head
-Walking 1 hour and 40 minutes (each way) to pay to use the internet
-Spending a lot of time at church and at church related activities
-Hiking in flip flops
-Watching how bananas grow
-People showing up at your house at 6 am and they're surprised that you were still in bed
-Classes being dismissed early because their teacher didn't show up
-Kids running around with big knifes
-Being really excited when apples show up in the store in town
-Waiting for the bell (an empty gas canister) to ring to know that events are starting
-Sitting and waiting hours for a truck that may or may not come


  1. What do you love most about being there?

  2. Liz i only see positives from all this. Getting in shape, eating healthy, actually socializing with people and never taking anything for granted. Life is good.
