Sunday, January 10, 2016

5 Months in the USA

The last 5 years continued...

As sad as I was to leave my great life in Korea, I was excited to have time to spend with family and friends in Buffalo and to see more of the USA. Turns out the time was a bit longer than I was expecting it to be, but I got to visit many people and places. Having people scattered around is a definite con when I am in Buffalo and want to hang out, but luckily I always love visiting people and am well acquainted with the Buffalo airport and bus terminal.
Places visited August - December 2015
Before these trips I had never been west of Kansas, so being able to see a bit of the west was VERY exciting. The majority of the places I've been to in the US are in the Northeast, so it was interesting to be able to expand that just a little bit. What a beautiful country this is!

I felt like I had so much time at home, but now I only have 1.5 weeks left! Lots of things to do, people to see, and food to eat before then! 

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