Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Soon: Snow to Sun

I'm leaving in a couple days! Yay! I'm excited and nervous, packed and ready to go. Two years sounds like a long time, but then I remember that I was in Korea for 2 years and that flew by! So that is a reminder to appreciate the days and experience while there because days and weeks and months can pass by quickly without even realizing it.

It will be weird going from this:

to the South Pacific! I'm used to dealing with cold over humidity. 

People have been asking a lot of questions, so I'll write some quick info about what I know.

I am going to the country Vanuatu  with the Peace Corps (I didn't know that was a country before I got an e-mail from  Peace Corps saying I was being considered to go there haha). Vanuatu is an archipelago kind of between Australia and Fiji. The capital is Port Vila and the national language is Bislama. The time is GMT + 11, so 16 hours ahead of Buffalo currently.

I recently found out which island I will be going to (there are 65 inhabited islands that make up the country) and I am very excited about my placement! I will be living on Ambae, a volcanic island in the middle of a bunch of other islands.
Map of Vanuatu, with Ambae marked
I will be an education volunteer. I'm not exactly sure what I will be doing, but I am assigned to a school. I'll have to post more about that while I'm there!

Before becoming an actual volunteer, there are 10 weeks of pre-service training in Vanuatu. I'll swear in as an actual Peace Corps volunteer on April 1st.

Last but definitely not least, I'd love mail! I love sending and receiving letters and postcards, so if you have some free time and are bored, want something to do while watching Netflix, or have spare postcards lying around, write to me! My address (for training at least) is:

Liz Atallah PCT
Peace Corps/ Vanuatu
PMB 9097
Port Vila

I also have it in the 'address' tab above. A regular 1 oz letter should cost $1.20 to mail. I'm not sure what my internet situation will be, so this will probably be the best way to tell me everything going on in your life! 
Flag of Vanuatu
Needless to say, I am very excited about going to Vanuatu with the Peace Corps! I don't know how often I'll be able I'll be able to post, but you can put your e-mail in the 'subscribe' box to get an e-mail when I do if you are interested. 

Ok, I don't know how to end a blog post. Tata!

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